Sunday 12 April 2020

Wealth distribution in year 2020.

Year 2020 is going to be the year opportunity and challenges  depends on what is your day master, what you do for living and how is your approach towards this black swan event.  Jia and Yi wood day master will find this year a challenging year as metal chop wood.  For those who do not know what is your day master,  you fill in the contact form in this blog on the right and I shall let you know what is your day master. 
There are many feng shui masters predicted  that 2020 is going to be a slow year with stagnant economy because abundance of earth which is non moving element.  Even people is force to go into hiding similar to  rat hiding in underground!  This has created a chain effect where there is almost no retail, entertainment,  social gathering  spending.  Shopping malls and street looks like a ghost town.  

Rat had gone hiding in the abundance of earth in year 2020 Li chun chart  just as human been lock down 

This is a time where there will be imbalance distribution of wealth using pareto principle where there will be 2 category

  • 10% of people will get 90% of wealth 
  • 90% of people will get 10% wealth 

Who will be in category 1 and 2 ,  refer to the table below :-

For those who are in category 1 please ensure you stay quiet and spend money only daily essential such as food and utility bills.  At this time the more investment you made will have high chances of financial loss.
It does NOT matter which category you belong to as good and bad time does not last forever.  Since everyone will be staying at home,  understanding a bit of house feng shui to tap on good energy is important.  Everyone will also gain some extra time, hence it is important we use the time for create a better future us. I will share more in my next article.

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